Category Archives: Methodology

What is functional language?

Functional language is language that you need in different day-to-day situations. For example: greeting, introducing yourself, asking for or giving advice, explaining rules, apologising, or agreeing and disagreeing. Any one of these functions can have a number of different exponents, or fixed expressions. For example, giving advice we could say: Continue reading

What are language “skills”?

Skills relate to different aspects of using language; such as listening, reading, writing or speaking. Skills are our ability to do these things. They are usually divided into two types: receptive and productive. Continue reading

What is task-based language learning?

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Task-based language learning is an approach where the planning of learning materials and teaching sessions are based around doing a task. In education, a task refers to an activity where communication is necessary: for example; deciding something, solving a problem, designing or organising something, or Continue reading

What is a flipped classroom and what is a blended learning course?

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You’ve probably heard of the terms “flipped classroom” and “blended learning course” in the context of online learning, but what do they really mean? Are they the same? Are they different and, if so, how? Continue reading